Coming back starting Dec 18 –

More L I V E video chats. Up to 15 minutes for just $39.95

That Jolly Old Elf invites your children, your friends and your family to join him on a zoom call for live personal video chats!

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Santa’s Elves have been working hard so you can continue an important Christmas tradition for all the wee ones (and some of the not-so-wee), even during the pandemic when personal visits may not be a safe option.

A live video chat with Santa is:

  • Based on a family profie questionnaire to remind Santa of details about your house and your children

  • A safe, convenient, and affordable way for your family to have fun.

  • A great way to avoid the holiday rush — book a time in advance to guarantee your visit happens when you want it to.

  • Such a personal experience you will think Santa is right there with you.

  • Supporting students in need: A portion of the proceeds from every call will be contributed to Rotary’s student bursaries.  

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Here is what you get when you book in advance:

1.    Flexibility to book afternoon or early evening calls

2.   15 minute LIVE video chat

3.   Chats are one-on-one with children.

4.   Help support charity

5.    Avoid the mall line-ups. Mall Santas are scarce this year.

6.   Stay home, stay safe!


Special arrangements available for virtual corporate/office appearances on request
